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How to Effectively Treat Wastewater from Steel Industry

How to Effectively Treat Wastewater from Steel Industry

The water usage in the steel industry ranges to a variety of processes and operations; the large amount of water used in the industry is bound to produce as much of wastewater, containing suspended solids and many other dissolved substances and chemicals. 

The quality of wastewater also depends on processes where the water is used or the purpose of it. Let’s take a look how wastewater management in steel industry functions and how does Rochem contributes its bit to make it effortless.

Breaking down the composition of wastewater from Steel industry

The wastes produced by the steel industry have physical and chemical effects on receiving streams, which are different from municipal sewage and organic industrial wastes. The wastewater composition of the industry includes:

  • Oil and Grease
  • Total Suspended Solids
  • Surfactants
  • Iron
  • Chromium
  • Aluminum
  • Zinc
  • Chlorides
  • Sulfates

These constituents of significance are recycled by RO and other treatment processes (which are mentioned below), to put it back into the industrial process.

Treatment of wastewater

The wastewater from the steel industry is subjected to various treatment options. The basic treatment of wastewater involves a combination of physical, chemical, biological and operation for the elimination of solids, organic matter etc. As per the increasing water treatment level, the treatment degrees are divided into:

  1. Preliminary
  2. Primary
  3. Secondary
  4. Tertiary

1.Preliminary treatment

The coarse solids and other large materials from the raw wastewater are removed by the process of Preliminary treatment.

2.Primary treatment

Primary Treatment Involves Various Physical-Chemical Processes like:-

Physical Processes:
  • Flocculation
  • Sedimentation
  • Dissolved Air Floatation
  • Clarification
Chemical Processes:
  • Neutralization
  • Precipitation

3.Secondary treatment

The secondary treatment uses mechanical treatment like:

  • Activated Sludge Process
  • Biological filters
  • Trickling filters
  • Rotating biological contactors
  • Anaerobic Treatment systems

4.Tertiary Treatment

  • Membrane Technology

Considering the sustainability of the environment, the membrane technology is fruitful and is also result-oriented for the treatment of industrial effluents. Today, this technology has a big role in wastewater treatment worldwide. During the last few years, the use of membrane technology has been substantial, along with the growth of a variety of newer versions of membrane technology.

These steps in wastewater treatment from steel industry plays a crucial role in recycling and reusing the water resources.  

We offer excellent water treatment and recycling technology that adapts to the changing needs of our customers. Get in touch with us through our mail at, or leave a message on our social media accounts - Facebook, Instagram ,LinkedIn and YouTube or call us on +91 (22) 6704 9000 for any enquiries and further information.